Norwegian Forest breeders in Madrid

♀ Arashi Nina Zenik

Nacimiento/Birthdate: 20/05/2019
Sexo/Sex: Hembra /Female 
Color EMS/Code: NFO g(s) 09 24 (Tortuga azul silver? tabby spotted con blanco/Blue Torbie Silver? Spotted with white)
Salud/Health: Todo normal. GSD-IV N/N ☀️ FelV-FiVHV free ☀️PK def N/N ☀️HCM (parents) Normal
Padre/Father: Arashi Connor Madre/Mother: S*Sweet Wolverines Black Widow

Pedigree PAWPEDS

Nina es la más tierna de las gatitas, tan dulce y tranquila y femenina, la auténtica versión azul/crema de su madre


Nina is the most tender, so sweet and calm and feminine, a true version of her mom, only in blue



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Bosque Arashi

Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders in Madrid (Spain)
TICA breeder 21008 - FIFE breeder 2021
[email protected]